The Story Of The Wagon

This is how it all began

The simple culinary treats of the Pacific Northwest, make their debut in Central Ohio. Handheld glory that is packed full of the foods you love the most. Proteins and starches with a bit of sweet and savory wrapped all around. When you think California surfer food, most people would say ‘Burrito Bro!’ But others would say ‘Go for the Redwood Cone!’.

Our goal is to provide a simple, handheld culinary experience that will make your mouth water like the Pacific Ocean! We want to provide an experience that is comfortable, satisfying and hits on everyone’s taste buds. We offer simplicity at its finest in a quickly served, but made from scratch, savory waffle delight packed with mashed potatoes or mac & cheese, family recipes meats or roasted veggies, toppings galore, bacon, sauces and more. Enjoy stuffing a waffle, cup or sandwich that is perfectly crafted for you!

More about the food and things to come

With an amazing group of couples, friends and family, we have joined together to make one amazing food truck experience. Many walks of life and culinary ideas have arrived at the Redwood Wagon. Our passion for travel, community, service to our country and having the ones we love most be part of our everyday lives, will help drive us to be the best we can be.

We will not only offer our savory waffle concept, but will also be featuring regular monthly specials with variations on the waffle. Culinary creations submitted by friends and family will be sure to blow your mind and your taste buds! Look out for seasonal specials, local restaurant collaborations, guest creations and more!

Meet the Team

Michael L.

Michael L.

General Manager

John H.

John H.


Kyle H.

Kyle H.


Mark S.

Mark S.
